My First Published Paper

After my honours year (4th year undergraduate), I was offered a position within the geophysics department assisting in current research projects. The majority of the work was related to coastal seawater interface studies, in a similar vein to my honours research project.

It was an interesting year, to be sure. The practicalities of collecting high-quality data in coastal dunes, with a new-to-me instrument (and method!), was an interesting experience to say the least. Some aspects, such as land access permissions, were a great opportunity to meet people and explain our research, whilst others, such as learning to peculiarities of second-hand equipment, was not so much fun.

Towards the end of that year, a PhD was suggested (and incidentally, the start of this blog). The department had recently acquired some high-powered electromagnetic surveying equipment that I was interested in using, and so my candidacy application was heavily oriented towards the development and optimisation of that particular method.

Needless to say, my research has taken a decidedly alternative approach to that original proposal. We're now heavily invested in seawater intrusion at the coastal margins and groundwater simulation and management. There's some geophysics in there somewhere too.

I've put a link to my latest article below. It's a long read, but don't be put off by the page count- half of it is appendices and supplementary information! The pictures are (hopefully) nice enough to convey most of the critical information.

If not, I'll do better next time!


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