Dummies guide to robust inversion
(This is part of a series of documents I created during the PhD, with no intention to submit or reproduce them anywhere else. If you find it helpful, that's great. The formatting was butchered in the upload so there's a link to original document here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1HJthXFj5Vta8cNSOtWFSJSN84yXQX012)
Introduction to Norms
Introduction to Misfit
Introduction to Norms
A ‘norm’ is an expression of the size, or length, of a
vector. These are typically expressed with a single bar (
) for vectors, or a double-bar
) for matrices.
They are used in conjunction with misfit to restrict the rate-of-change
of model values during successive iterations of a deterministic numerical
inversion process.
Geophysical inversion presents an under-determined, or
ill-posed, linear problem. The under-determined problem is easily surmised as a
system where more variables than data are present. A mathematically infinite
number of solutions exist to solve this problem, and so requirements are
imposed on the range of possible solutions. Geological scenarios can be
simplified into relatively smooth changes and typically a ‘minimum structure’
constraint is imposed.
Minimum structure implies that the difference between
spatially nearby values should not vary wildly over a small area. This can
occur when a mathematically ‘perfect’ fit is allowed, however, this seldom
represents reality. Theoretically, with an infinite number of noiseless points,
the perfect model can be constructed, but this is neither possible nor
plausible for geophysical measurements.
In order to impose the structure requirement into the
solution, the ‘norm’ is introduced to regulate changes in the model space. A
norm which minimises structures is called the
norm, or the ‘Euclidean’ norm, and is simply
the square root of the sum of the vector components. The
norm is defined as the ‘p’ vector norm (below)
where ‘p’ is equal to 2.
Here ‘
’ represents our vector, ‘j’ is the component of the vector (i.e. the index position),
and ‘p’ is the ‘flavour’ or ‘order’ of the
The value of ‘p’ determines
the flavour of the norm:
‘Misfit’ traditionally refers to the difference between some
measured data and related predicted data. This is minimised to produce a model
which is closest to the measured data.
defined as “the standard deviation of Gaussian distributed errors associated
with the datum
”. Statistically, the difference between
the predicted and observed datums
Relevance to Inversion Theory
Data misfit vector containing the difference between
logarithms of measured and calculated apparent resistivity values
Change in model parameters of the i-th iteration
Model parameter vector for previous iteration
Jacobian matrix of partial derivatives
Roughness filter
Damping factor
Weighting matrices for data misfit roughness
Weighting matrices for model roughness
Weighting applied to smoothness filter in x, y, z directions
Smoothing matrices/filters in x, y, z directions
Vector of model parameters, (1 to n)
Minimise the sum
of the absolute values of the data
misfit (Loke)
Minimise the sum
of the square of the values of the
spatial changes in the model resistivity and data misfit (Loke)
Course notes Eq. 1.23 (Optimisation Method)
Loke (Course notes):
Mathematical Explanation
Default Smoothness constrained inversion formulation
Robust Inversion (aka L1-norm, Blocky, Piece-wise constant)
mention of cut-off factor and usage:
“There is a cut-off factor which
controls the degree in which this robust model constrain is used. If a large
value is used, for example 1.0, the result is essentially that of the
conventional smoothness-constrained least-squares inversion method. If a very
small value is used, for example 0.001, the result is close to the true L1-norm
inversion method.” (Page 71, October 2015 Res2DInvx64.pdf Manual)
Loke (2003,
Comparison of Blocky and smooth norms)
I.e. Introduces the weighting matrices
Thus far, nothing
suggests the L1 or L2 require a particular ‘value’ to operate with.
The Huber norm (aka
Huber misfit function) uses a ‘Huber threshold’ (
) to determine the norm.
As does the Ekblom
From Farquarson 2003, “As
becomes small, this measure tends towards the
norm. For large values, the measure behaves
like a scaled sum-of-squares
addition, the Minimum Support Functional (Zhdanov 1999) also contains a value
for epsilon:
However, this is likely not used in Res2Dinv.
“Inversion theory:
Model norms, data misfit and non-uniqueness”
“Robust inversion using the Huber norm”
R., & Trampert, J. (1999). Inverse problems in geophysics. In Wavefield inversion (pp. 119-190). Springer
Vienna. http://inside.mines.edu/~rsnieder/snieder_trampert_00.pdf
J. A., & Smith, M. L. (1994). Introductory Geophysical Inverse Theory
9DraftE. http://terra.rice.edu/department/faculty/zelt/esci441/scales/scales.pdf
W. (2012). Geophysical
data analysis: Discrete inverse theory (Vol. 45). Academic press.
R. L. (1994). Geophysical inverse theory. Princeton university press.
M. S. (2002). Geophysical Inverse Theory and Regularization Problems (Vol. 36). Elsevier.
A. (2005). Inverse
problem theory and methods for model parameter estimation. siam.
M. A. (1994), Geophysical Data Analysis: Understanding Inverse Problem Theory
and Practice. Vol. 6: Society of Exploration Geophysicists Tulsa,, OK.
W. (2012). Geophysical
data analysis: Discrete inverse theory (Vol. 45). Academic press.
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