Why ride?
Both music and motorcycles are wonderful things. One offers psychological freedom - able to dictate, guide, and alter emotions and mood; while the other offers physical freedom - nothing besides you and the wind on your face. Combined, they are even better. I've recently taken up a Spotify offer for students, allowing for the monthly premium service for a reduced rate. The enhanced quality is nice, however it's never going to translate well into the Sena headset. The more-important feature for me is being able to save music for offline play. Grab a bunch of tracks, or better yet - the weekly mix, and no worries about data usage. The weekly mix is surprisingly great too. I'm not sure how many tracks I searched for - I suspect it wasn't many, but somehow the mix consistently plays music I genuinely enjoy. The only downside is remembering to 'plus' them before the new mix is out. Not an overly complex task, but easy to forget nonetheless. It's really...