The Earth, is a funny thing.
The Earth, (which needs only be capitalised when referring to it as a name (as opposed to the earth we stand upon)) is a funny thing. The product of an inconceivable large timescales operating on inconceivably small things, it never ceases to amaze me how much we have not been able to witness - and thus, must draw from observation and the small signs remaining. Not only on the mega (i.e. large) scale, but on the meso (intermediate) and micro (small) scale as well. For an example, take a look at the Yilgarn Craton - among one of the oldest structure on Earth, at ~3 Ga - 3 giga-annum, or 3 billion years ago. Beside the Yilgarn craton is the Darling Scarp, a major fault running from Shark Bay to Albany, and with a throw possibly exceeding 15,000 metres ('throw' usually refers to the vertical displacement here). It's not considered active though, don't worry too much. This is a huge relief for the city of Perth (and most of populated Western Australia) as any activity o...